Monday, October 9, 2017

Coffee Cake Muffins

Coffee Cake Muffins Recipe- Half Batch

Who doesn't love the smell of warm cinnamon and vanilla in the air, right? These coffee cake muffins are super moist and deliciously messy. Chock full of those tasty brown sugar crumbles and drizzled with a cinnamon sugar streusel. One bite of this muffin and you are sure to feel Positive Vibes! I wish I had gotten a video of my fiance's reaction when he took his first bite today. It was so adorable and child-like it absolutely put a huge smile on my face. I just started baking from scratch recently and I am loving it but I find that most recipes make huge batches that are far too much for just the two of us. I could not find a recipe anywhere for a small batch so I decided that I would post a recipe myself. This is just for those of us who know the dangers of baking a dozen delicious muffins with nobody to help eat them. I don't have the desire to add that much cardio to my workout routine. Without further ado, let us bake coffee cake! Remember, this is a recipe for 6 coffee cake muffins. 

Make sure you have all of the ingredients and enough of each ingredient before you begin. Read the directions completely before beginning. Read directions again one step ahead of where you are currently to help avoid silly mistakes. Rule-of- thumb: Mix dry ingredients in one bowl, wet ingredients in a another and combine. Use actual measuring cups and not just regular spoons. a metric tablespoon is not the  same as the large spoon in the drawer. 


  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup Light Brown Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tablespoons+2 teaspoons canola oil
  • 1 large egg


  • 2 tablespoons+2 teaspoons- Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons+2 teaspoons Light Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup (half stick) unsalted butter, melted
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour


  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon milk


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a 12-cup standard muffin tin with paper liners or coat with nonstick spray; set aside.
  2. To make the crumb topping, combine sugars, cinnamon and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk in melted butter. Add flour and stir using a rubber spatula just until moist. Spread out mixture on parchment paper to dry until ready to use. 
  3. In a large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. 
  4. In a large glass measuring cup or another bowl, whisk together milk, canola oil and egg. Pour mixture over dry ingredients and stir using a rubber spatula just until moist. 

  5. Scoop the batter evenly into the muffin tray. Sprinkle with reserved crumb topping, using your fingertips to gently press the crumbs into the batter. Place into oven and bake for 15-17 minutes, or until a tester inserted in the center comes out clean. 

  6. To make the glaze, combine confectioners’ sugar, vanilla and milk. Whisk until smooth. If the glaze is too thin, add more confectioners’ sugar as needed.
  7. When the muffins are done, cool for 10 minutes and drizzle the glaze on each muffin. 
Allow glaze to set before serving. 

Until we meet again, keep the positive energy going any way you can! Goodness knows the world really needs some comfort and Positive Vibes right now! 

Sneak Peak at my next recipe: Oatmeal Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Wednesday, October 4, 2017



There are so many unthinkable tragedies happening in the world right now that I wanted to create a page that focused on positive vibes and the power that food has to bring people together. Who doesn't love a delicious dessert when their spirits need a lift? That is why they call it "comfort food". Who doesn't love a beautiful breakfast to start their day on a positive note? Well, how about a 2-for-1? Let's be kids again with this recipe and have this decadent breakfast dessert! This is my recipe for my French Crepes Sundae. This recipe turned out so well that my fiance wanted them two days in a row! Yes, he knows how spoiled he is. This can be prepared for breakfast, for a "just because" snack or if you really want to impress your dinner guests with a beautiful dessert these are a sure winner. Whatever your occasion, I truly hope you enjoy. Please post pictures when you prepare it and leave comments. I would love to know what you and your friends & family thought of this recipe and how we are sharing positive moments with those we love. Bon appetit!


Crepes batter:

1 cup All-purpose flour

1 tablespoon white granulated sugar
3 large eggs
1-1/4 cups milk (I prefer 2% organic milk)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons unsalted butter (melted)
1/4 teaspoon of salt (a couple dashes)
1 teaspoon  ground cinnamon or cardamom


Reddi-Whip Extra Creamy (sweetened - real cream)
Fresh Strawberries (or any fruit you prefer)
Chocolate syrup topping
Powdered sugar and cacao powder (for finishing sprinkles)

Crepes Preparation:

Use blender or hand mixer to combine all of crepes batter ingredients together and let rest for about 30 minutes to an hour. This allows the bubble to release and helps prevent ripping of the crepes during cooking. Any unused batter can be saved in an airtight container for no more than a couple days. Place a medium to small non stick skillet over medium-low to medium heat. Use PAM cooking spray or brush melted butter into skillet. Pour 1/8 cup of batter in the center of the skillet using a measuring cup or a ladle while turning the skillet in a soft circular motion to spread evenly. Cook on this side for approximately 1 minute and 45 second or until the edges are lightly browned. Flip and cook for another 45 seconds. Stack each finished crepe onto one another and cover with a clean kitchen towel to keep moist and warm.  Any unused finished crepes can be kept in a plastic storage bag or an airtight storage container for several days. Simply, warm in microwave for 15 seconds to reheat.


Fill crepes with a generous amount of whipped cream, sliced strawberries or whatever fruit you have chosen and pour chocolate sauce over the top. Finish by sifting powdered sugar and cacao powder over the top for visual and flavor effect. THAT'S IT! Serve immediately and enjoy!

Side Notes:

I made the chocolate sauce in this recipe from scratch by melting semi sweet chocolate chips, 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips, ground cinnamon, steamed milk and a couple other of my favorite spices together and then spooning or piping them over the crepes. I will post this recipe if requested enough. If you want to keep it simple just use your favorite sundae topping sauce.

If you want paper thin crepes use 1-1/2 to 2 cups of milk instead of this recipe's 1-1/4. I just prefer my crepes a little more sturdy and substantial.

If you experience crispy edges try using a tiny bit more butter/cooking spray in the pan and pouring from the outside toward the center. I discovered that stacking them onto one another and covering with a clean, damp kitchen towel softens any edges no matter how I pour.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT SO HAVE FUN! No matter how the look if this is your first time...they will still taste amazing!

The next day encore breakfast my fiance asked me to make with blueberries, too!

Sneak Peak at my next recipe:
Coffee Cake Muffins

Until we meet again, keep the positive energy going any way you can! Goodness knows the world really needs some comfort and Positive Vibes!